‘How To’ Guides

We have created a selection of guides to help you at the various stages on your journey for you new gates or railings/fencing. We are currently working on new, detailed, video guides which will be on our YouTube channel soon! If you need any further help or advice that you feel our guides do not cover, please contact us.

Remember, we are here to help! We understand that with the various options and sizes it can be confusing when purchasing your new driveway gates and we do not expect customers to be able to do this all on their own. Even if you are 99% sure of your sizes, design, finishes & installation we are happy to help by reviewing it for you to give you peace of mind.

We have tried to make our online system as customizable and as straightforward as possible. This means we do require several pieces of information from our customers which can be daunting if, like most people, you are not regularly purchasing new gates. 


Available Guides:

  • How To Use Our Site (A walk through guide on how to select each available option on each gate)
  • How To Measure (How to measure for your new gates)
  • Hinges Help (How to chose which way your gates open/close and which side they are hinged from)
  • How To Install (How to install various types of gates)


Finishes, Timber & Aluminium Guides:

  • Galvanizing (Information on the galvanizing process)
  • Powder Coating (Information on the powder coating process + colour charts)
  • Timber Options (Information on our available timbers, their properties & durability)
  • Timber Finishes (Information on available timber finishes – colour charts & other options)
  • Aluminium Infills (Information on our maintenance free aluminium infills (wood effect or solid colours))